Isn't It Ironic?

Monty Taylor

twitter: @e_monty

Who am I?

Distinguished Engineer

IBM Cloud

Who am I?

Technical Committee

Foundation Board of Directors

Developer Infrastructure Core Team

What I'm going to talk about

(unless I talk about something else)

  • Virtualization & OpenStack
  • Ironic's architecture
  • Bifrost New!
  • Configuration choices
  • Operations
  • Limitations

"OpenStack is not a virtualization layer. It is an abstraction layer."

- Daniel Sabbah, CTO @ IBM

Google trends:

Virtualization & Cloud Computing

Google trends:

DevOps & OpenStack

What do developers really want?

  • Separate application delivery from hardware procurement
  • Self-service API for Compute [Storage [Network]] resources
  • More control + More flexibility
  • ... Without sacrificing anything

So what is this Ironic thing?

  • Scalable service for hardware
    provisioning & management
  • Consistent API supports
    many hardware manufacturers
  • Enables OpenStack to provide both
    virtual and physical Compute

Key Components

  • ironic-api: RESTful API service
  • ironic-conductor: interacts directly with hardware; asynchronous handling of both requested and periodic actions.
  • ironic-python-agent: utility service, temporarily booted on machines to provide remote access to hardware for provisioning and management.
  • Nova driver: interface for Nova; enables OpenStack to provide common abstraction for virtual and physical machines.
  • discoverd ramdisk: optional tool for hardware inventory management.
  • bifrost: ansible modules for getting started with Ironic outside of OpenStack.

Open Technologies

  • IPMI: intelligent platform management interface, for remote control of machine power state, boot device, serial console, etc.
  • DHCP: dynamic host configuration protocol, used to locate the NBP on the network, and provide the host OS with IP address during init
  • TFTP: trivial file transfer protocol, copies the NBP over the network
  • PXE: pre-boot execution environment, allows host to boot from network
  • iPXE: recent enhancements make PXE more flexible, supported on most hardware
  • iSCSI: used to remotely attach to HDD and copy the machine image

What about Vendor-specific enhancements?


SeaMicro, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Intel, OpenCompute, Cisco, ...

And so you have options...

  • ! IPMI: vendor-specific power management; varies by vendor
  • ! DHCP: static IP injection is possible, but not suitable for larger or dynamic environments
  • ! PXE: boot over virtual media channel; support varies by vendor
  • ! iSCSI: user image can be fetched directly by "agent" drivers

... and options ...

  • Homogeneous hardware?
  • Heterogeneous hardware?
    Use nova-scheduler to match flavor <=>
  • Single tenant / small deployment?
    Flat network. Maybe use Ironic stand-alone
  • Service provider for multiple tenants?
    Use Keystone for auth, Nova for quota management, Neutron for net isolation (*)
    Basically, use OpenStack
  • Untrusted tenants?
    Network isolation is possible via Neutron
    Secure-erase disks, flash firmware between each use
    (Some assembly required)


Installs Operating System

Deploys Machine Images

Download an image
from your favorite distro

Or, build your own

disk-image-create -a amd64 -o my-image -t qcow2 \
vm ubuntu serial-console cloud-init-datasources

glance image-create --name my-image --is-public True \
--disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare < my-image.qcow2

New in Kilo:

  • Instances may boot from local disk with all drivers
  • Local configdrives remove dependence on meta-data service
  • Secure-erase disk drives between each use
  • API version headers improve compatibility during upgrades
  • Nodes may be addressed by logical names in addition to UUIDs
  • Drivers may store internal attributes and can register their own periodic tasks


  • Firmware and RAID
    Plugin framework exists in ironic-python-agent, but...
    Today, you must BYO plugin
  • NICs <-> Networks
    Nova only supports one-to-one mapping today
  • Provisiong Network <-> Tenant Network Separation
    Upstream only supports flat network today.
    Out-of-tree options exist; being upstreamed now
  • Per-tenant Network Isolation
    No official support today; several solutions proposed.
    Work with Neutron is happening now

OK, but what about that Bifrost thing?

the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard, the world of the Aesir tribe of gods, with Midgard, the world of humanity.

  • You don't need a Cloud to provision Hardware
  • Self contained Ansible modules:
    - install, enroll, provision
  • Installs some things
    (Rabbit, MySQL, Nginx, dnsmasq, tftpd)
  • Starts with simple "inventory" file,
    loads data into Ironic & sets correct driver info
  • Downloads (or builds locally) a machine image,
    and just boots it on every machine

That's cool, but I wanted a cloud...

Nova Configuration


# Driver to use for controlling virtualization. Options

# Firewall driver (defaults to hypervisor specific iptables driver)

# The scheduler host manager class to use (string value)

# Virtual ram to physical ram allocation ratio which affects
# all ram filters. This configuration specifies a global ratio

# Amount of disk in MB to reserve for the host (integer value)

# Full class name for the Manager for compute (string value)

Nova Configuration pt 2


# Ironic keystone admin name

#Ironic keystone admin password.

# keystone API endpoint

# Ironic keystone tenant name.

# URL for Ironic API endpoint.

Managing Nova Flavors

Create the flavor

nova flavor-create my-baremetal-flavor auto $RAM_MB $DISK_GB $CPU

Setting additional hints

ironic node-update  add properties/capabilities='boot_mode:uefi'

nova flavor-key my-baremetal-flavor set capabilities:boot_mode="uefi"

Examples or Demo?

Enroll Hardware

$ ironic node-create -d agent_ipmitool \
      -i ipmi_username=admin -i ipmi_password=fake -i ipmi_address= \
      -p cpus=4 -p memory_mb=8192 -p local_gb=500 \
      -e note='spare server' -n mytest
    | Property     | Value                                                       |
    | chassis_uuid | None                                                        |
    | driver       | agent_ipmitool                                              |
    | driver_info  | {u'ipmi_address': u'', u'ipmi_username': u'admin',  |
    |              | u'ipmi_password': u'******'}                                |
    | extra        | {u'note': u'spare server'}                                  |
    | properties   | {u'memory_mb': u'8192', u'local_gb': u'500', u'cpus': u'4'} |
    | uuid         | 7a1ce8d0-9679-4d87-8f54-b11f6e8adb8f                        |
    | name         | mytest                                                      |
                $ ironic port-create -n 7a1ce8d0-9679-4d87-8f54-b11f6e8adb8f -a 00:11:22:00:11:22
    | Property  | Value                                |
    | node_uuid | 7a1ce8d0-9679-4d87-8f54-b11f6e8adb8f |
    | extra     | {}                                   |
    | uuid      | 024e52b2-6ae4-483b-a039-d6afae7f6a22 |
    | address   | 00:11:22:00:11:22                    |

Validate provided info

$ ironic node-validate 7a1ce8d0-9679-4d87-8f54-b11f6e8adb8f
    | Interface  | Result | Reason
    | console    | False  | Missing 'ipmi_terminal_port' parameter in node's driver_info.
    | deploy     | False  | Node 7a1ce8d0-9679-4d87-8f54-b11f6e8adb8f failed to validate
    deploy image info. Some parameters were missing. Missing are:
    ['driver_info.deploy_kernel', 'driver_info.deploy_ramdisk', 'instance_info.image_source'] |
    | inspect    | None   | not supported
    | management | True   |
    | power      | True   |


(I forgot a few options)

Add or change options

$ ironic node-update mytest add \
        instance_info/image_source= \

    $ ironic node-update mytest add \
        driver_info/deploy_ramdisk= \

    $ ironic node-update mytest replace extra/note='database' name=db01.example
    | Property               | Value
    | extra                  | {u'note': u'database'}
    | name                   | db01.example

Validate info (again)

$ ironic node-validate db01.example
    | Interface  | Result | Reason                                                        |
    | console    | False  | Missing 'ipmi_terminal_port' parameter in node's driver_info. |
    | deploy     | True   |                                                               |
    | inspect    | None   | not supported                                                 |
    | management | True   |                                                               |
    | power      | True   |                                                               |

Show details

$ ironic node-show db01.example
    | Property               | Value
    | target_power_state     | None
    | last_error             |
    | maintenance_reason     |
    | provision_state        | available
    | console_enabled        | False
    | target_provision_state | None
    | maintenance            | False
    | power_state            | power off
    | driver                 | agent_ipmitool
    | reservation            | None
    | instance_uuid          | None
    | driver_internal_info   | {}
    | chassis_uuid           |    

Maintenance Mode

$ ironic node-set-maintenance --reason 'replacing disks' db01.example true
    $ ironic node-show db01.example
    | Property               | Value
    | target_power_state     | None
    | last_error             |
    | maintenance_reason     | replacing disks
    | provision_state        | available
    | console_enabled        | False
    | target_provision_state | None
    | maintenance            | True
    | power_state            | power off
    | instance_uuid          | None
    | driver_internal_info   | {}   

Power Status Loop

$ ironic node-show my.broken.node
    | Property        | Value                                                                |
    | last_error      | During sync_power_state, max retries exceeded for node               |
    |                 | 9729f0b2-b270-4d06-aa87-40f2b2cad6ee, node state None does not match |
    |                 | expected state 'off'. Updating DB state to 'None' Switching node to  |
    |                 | maintenance mode.                                                    |
    $ cat /var/log/upstart/ironic-conductor.log
    2015-03-24 04:29:19.349 26317 WARNING ironic.conductor.manager [-]
    During sync_power_state, could not get power state for node 9729f0b2-b270-4d06-aa87-40f2b2cad6ee.
    Error: IPMI call failed: power status.

Deployment (via Ironic)

$ ironic node-set-provision-state db01.example active

    The provisioning operation can't be performed on node
    7a1ce8d0-9679-4d87-8f54-b11f6e8adb8f because it's in maintenance mode.
    $ ironic node-set-maintenance db01.example false
    $ ironic node-set-provision-state db01.example active
    # ... time goes on ...

Deployment (via Ironic)

$ ironic node-show db01.example
    | Property               | Value
    | target_power_state     | None
    | last_error             |
    | maintenance_reason     | None
    | provision_state        | active
    | console_enabled        | False
    | target_provision_state | None
    | maintenance            | False
    | power_state            | power on
    | instance_uuid          | None
    | driver_internal_info   | {}    

Deployment (via Nova)

$ nova boot –flavor baremetal -image myimage -key-name my_ssh_key ...

    $ tail -f /var/log/upsart/nova-compute.log
    2014-05-01 03:47:05.878 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free ram (MB): 8192
    2014-05-01 03:47:05.878 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free disk (GB): 500
    2014-05-01 03:47:05.878 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free VCPUS: 4

    2014-05-01 03:47:05.878 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free ram (MB): 0
    2014-05-01 03:47:05.878 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free disk (GB): 0
    2014-05-01 03:47:05.878 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free VCPUS: 0

Thank you!

twitter: @e_monty